Differences between gz, bzip2, xz, 7z, rar, lzop
Differences between gz, bzip2, xz, 7z, rar, lzop
Gzip and bzip2, as well as xz and lzop, are functionally equivalent.
(There once was a bzip, but it seems to have completely vanished off the face of the world.)
Other common compression formats are zip, rar and 7z; these three do both compression and archiving (packing multiple files into one).
Here are some typical ratings in terms of speed, availability and typical compression ratio
(note that these ratings are somewhat subjective, don't take them as gospel):
decompression speed (fast > slow): lzop > gzip, zip > xz > 7z > rar > bzip2
compression speed (fast > slow): lzop > gzip, zip > xz > bzip2 > 7z > rar
compression ratio (better > worse): xz > 7z > rar, bzip2 > gzip > zip > lzop
availability (unix): gzip > bzip2 > xz > lzop > zip > 7z > rar
availability (windows): zip > rar > 7z > gzip > bzip2, lzop, xz
source: https://superuser.com/questions/205223/pros-and-cons-of-bzip-vs-gzip
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