
Showing posts from August, 2016

Firewalld.service start operation timed out. Terminating. Centos 7

centos 7 systemd[1]: firewalld.service start operation timed out. Terminating. the fastest way to restart is: systemctl stop firewalld    pkill -f firewalld    systemctl start firewalld

Install namebench from google to test dns response on Centos

Install namebench from google to test dns response on Centos yum install tkinter wget tar xvfvz namebench-1.3.1-source.tgz cd namebench-1.3.1 ./   It should automatically start like this: namebench 1.3.1 - best source (automatic) on 2016-08-29 17:00:06.588538 threads=40/2 queries=250 runs=1 timeout=3.5 health_timeout=3.75 servers=11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Reading Top 2,000 Websites (Alexa): data/alexa-top-2000-domains.txt (0.7MB) - Reading Cache Latency Test (100% hit): data/cache-hit.txt (0.1MB) - Reading Cache Latency Test (100% miss): data/cache-miss.txt (0.1MB) - Reading Cache Latency Test (50% hit, 50% miss): data/cache-mix.txt (0.1MB) - Reading Mozilla Firefox: /root/.mozilla/firefox/e3z6bpz8.default/places.sqlite (10.0MB) - Generating tests from Mozilla Firefox (68 records, select