Raspberry PI - How to change desktop wallpaper?

When I right click on the desktop, a submenu pops up with these choices: terminal emulator, web browser, desktops, obconf, reconfigure, restart, exit. How can I change the desktop wallpaper? I don't see an option to do this with this submenu?

Normally when you are using Raspbian "wheezy" with the LXDE Desktop Environment Right clicking should pop up:

Create New
Selact All
Invert Selection
Sort Files
Desktop Preferences

If not ?


Open a terminal and enter pcmanfm --desktop-pref.

When the desktop preferences window pops up, click on the "Advanced" tab and deselect "Show menus provided by window managers when desktop is clicked."

That's it and PCManFM File Manager that we had by default is back!


  1. So I tried entering this command letter for letter, but it says 'bash: --desktop-pref.: command not found'. What am I supposed to do now?

    1. so in terminal did you type:

      pcmanfm --desktop-pref


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